Finally also stories for children from 7 years & adults, each about 3 minutes long. 12 stories from the Advent calendars & 12 stories only here! € 24,– plus shipping, to order from me or Edith Eckholt.
Königin Herzenslust
25 fairy tales about courage and love, 12 of which are also for children. Foreword by Gerald Hüther, illustrations by Almuth Mota. € 23,– plus postage, best ordered directly from me.
Almond Milk Tales
From the first to the 21st of December, a bedtime story every 2nd evening. Online and live, to enjoy cosily on your own couch or in bed.
every JulySince 1995 I have been organising a series of storytelling events in Innsbruck once a year. This allows me to realise special ideas: Invite guest storytellers and musicians, translate into sign language and more …
VideosA fairy tale right away? Newest, short, longer, in dialect, with music, live, outdoors, with sign language or strange stories …
Märchen Überall – der Wollfadenkreis im Internet
Es funktioniert wirklich: Ein Märchenfest im virtuellen Raum. Vielleicht weil Menschen, die gemeinsam Märchen hören, sich immer in eine magische Welt begeben, in ein Land der Fantasie, auf einen Weg […]