Finally, stories for all readers from age 7 to 101. Each tale is about 3 minutes long; 12 stories from the Advent calendars & 12 stories to be found only here! € 24,– plus shipping, to order from me or Edith Eckholt.
Königin Herzenslust
A book of 25 fairy tales about courage and love, 12 of which are also suitable for children. Foreword by Gerald Hüther, illustrations by Almuth Mota. € 23,– plus shipping, best ordered directly from me.
Almond Milk Tales
A series of online-events: From the first to the 21st of December enjoy a bedtime story every 2nd evening; online and live, cosy on your own couch or in bed.
every JulyA series of storytelling evenings, once a year, that I have been organizing in Innsbruck since 1995. This allows me to invite guest storytellers, musicians, a translator for sign language and more …
VideosYou need a fairy tale right away? Here are my videos – both short tales and longer ones, in dialect, in High-German or in English, outdoors or indoors, some with music, some live, some with sign language …
Märchen Überall – der Wollfadenkreis im Internet
Es funktioniert wirklich: Ein Märchenfest im virtuellen Raum. Vielleicht weil Menschen, die gemeinsam Märchen hören, sich immer in eine magische Welt begeben, in ein Land der Fantasie, auf einen Weg […]