Work in progress … we are currently translating – here is a 1st draft of this page:
If you request it by email, I will be happy to send you all photos in higher resolution as well as shortenable texts on all the programs on offer. You can find out more here at Begegnen … Frau Wolle und in den Kommentaren.
As mentioned on other pages here – I also tell stories in English! Whenever asked to do so.
- Being a storyteller has been my only profession since 1995!
- My 6 books, 4 story-advent-calendars and 1 story-box are available (2 more books are currently out of print).
- 14 countries and aproximately 777 places from Stockholm to Damascus I have visited as a storyteller.
- 50 minutes that is how long the longest story in my repertoire is – a turkmenian folktale.
- 33 seconds is the duration of the shortest stories in my repertoire.
- 160 stories form my active repertoire – which means they can be told at any time, even if I am woken up at three in the morning.
- 66 performances per year on average;
- 1.896 times I have told stories so far (until the end of 2024)
- 4 competitions I have participated in have resulted in
4 prizes won (bronze, silver and gold). - So far I have told stories in 4 or 5 languages narrated (Standard German, Tyrolean dialext, English, Spanish, French).
Please do not write “reading”!
Free, lively storytelling is very different from reading aloud from a book. But because we are more familiar with the term „reading“ than „storytelling evening“, the two are sometimes confused. It’s a bit like calling a violinist a DJ…
I don’t read to people!
Also I do not tell stories that I made up myself, but rather ancient tales for adults from oral traditions around the world.
press photos
Photo credit for all pictures here: Tanja Quasdorf. These pictures were taken in 2021 and 2024.

Do you quickly need a text to use?
A short announcement text could look like this:
Karin Tscholl
„May my story be beautiful and unwind like a long thread„
The award-winning storyteller spins ancient stories into the here and now, transporting listeners to the past and everlasting.
Clear, rich language, strong material, subtle humor and a love of stories characterize her style.
Or if there is more space:
Karin Tscholl has been a full-time fairy tale and story teller for adults since 1995.
So far she has published 8 books and 4 story advent calendars and has performed in 14 countries.
Her passion is finding and sharing old folk tales that offer something surprising.
She relies on the power of the spoken word and paints rich pictures with her love of language.
“No word too much and no word too little” – that is what Karin Tscholl strives for and she only tells stories that burn on her tongue.
Or short again
Karin Tscholl has been a full-time fairy tale and story teller for adults since 1995.
So far she has published 8 books and 4 story advent calendars and has performed in 14 countries.
Her favorite subjects are old yet surprising folk tales.
She paints pictures with humor and a love of language and only tells stories that burn on her tongue.