For the Press

Work in pro­gress … we are curr­ent­ly trans­la­ting – here is a 1st draft of this page:
If you request it by email, I will be hap­py to send you all pho­tos in hig­her reso­lu­ti­on as well as shor­tenable texts on all the pro­grams on offer. You can find out more here at Begeg­nen … Frau Wol­le und in den Kom­men­ta­ren.

As men­tio­ned on other pages here – I also tell sto­ries in Eng­lish! When­ever asked to do so.


  • Being a sto­rytel­ler has been my only pro­fes­si­on sin­ce 1995!
  • My 6 books, 4 sto­ry-advent-calen­dars and 1 sto­ry-box are available (2 more books are curr­ent­ly out of print).
  • 14 count­ries and apro­xi­m­ate­ly 777 places from Stock­holm to Damas­cus I have visi­ted as a sto­rytel­ler.
  • 50 minu­tes that is how long the lon­gest sto­ry in my reper­toire is – a turk­me­ni­an folk­ta­le.
  • 33 seconds is the dura­ti­on of the shor­test sto­ries in my reper­toire.
  • 160 sto­ries form my acti­ve reper­toire – which means they can be told at any time, even if I am woken up at three in the mor­ning.
  • 66 per­for­man­ces per year on avera­ge;
  • 1.896 times I have told sto­ries so far (until the end of 2024)
  • 4 com­pe­ti­ti­ons I have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in have resul­ted in
    4 pri­zes won (bron­ze, sil­ver and gold).
  • So far I have told sto­ries in 4 or 5 lan­guages nar­ra­ted (Stan­dard Ger­man, Tyro­lean dial­ext, Eng­lish, Spa­nish, French).


Plea­se do not wri­te “rea­ding”!
Free, lively sto­rytel­ling is very dif­fe­rent from rea­ding aloud from a book. But becau­se we are more fami­li­ar with the term „rea­ding“ than „sto­rytel­ling evening“, the two are some­ti­mes con­fu­sed. It’s a bit like cal­ling a vio­li­nist a DJ…
I don’t read to peo­p­le!
Also I do not tell sto­ries that I made up mys­elf, but rather anci­ent tales for adults from oral tra­di­ti­ons around the world.

press photos

Pho­to cre­dit for all pic­tures here: Tan­ja Quas­dorf. The­se pic­tures were taken in 2021 and 2024.

Do you quickly need a text to use?

A short announce­ment text could look like this:

Karin Tscholl
„May my sto­ry be beau­tiful and unwind like a long thread„
The award-win­ning sto­rytel­ler spins anci­ent sto­ries into the here and now, trans­port­ing lis­ten­ers to the past and ever­las­ting.
Clear, rich lan­guage, strong mate­ri­al, subt­le humor and a love of sto­ries cha­rac­te­ri­ze her style.

Or if the­re is more space:

Karin Tscholl has been a full-time fairy tale and sto­ry tel­ler for adults sin­ce 1995.
So far she has published 8 books and 4 sto­ry advent calen­dars and has per­for­med in 14 count­ries.
Her pas­si­on is fin­ding and sha­ring old folk tales that offer some­thing sur­pri­sing.
She reli­es on the power of the spo­ken word and paints rich pic­tures with her love of lan­guage.
“No word too much and no word too litt­le
– that is what Karin Tscholl stri­ves for and she only tells sto­ries that burn on her ton­gue.

Or short again
Karin Tscholl has been a full-time fairy tale and sto­ry tel­ler for adults sin­ce 1995.
So far she has published 8 books and 4 sto­ry advent calen­dars and has per­for­med in 14 count­ries.
Her favo­ri­te sub­jects are old yet sur­pri­sing folk tales.
She paints pic­tures with humor and a love of lan­guage and only tells sto­ries that burn on her ton­gue.
