
Birthdays & celebrations are my speciality.

Becau­se I love it when life is cele­bra­ted.
Becau­se the com­mu­ni­ty of fri­ends and rela­ti­ves at a par­ty makes true wealth visi­ble.
Becau­se on the­se occa­si­ons we often ask our­sel­ves ques­ti­ons that fairy tales ans­wer in pic­tures: Who was I? Whe­re do I stand? What do I wish for?

After our con­ver­sa­ti­on, I choo­se very careful­ly what I will say and how I will say it.
I choo­se very careful­ly after our con­ver­sa­ti­on what I will tell and in what way.
The fairy tales are tou­ch­ing, bring laugh­ter and memo­ries. The typi­cal small groups that exist in almost all cir­cles of fri­ends come tog­e­ther in a com­mon cir­cle while lis­tening. Small details about the bir­th­day child are woven into the old sto­ries.

Don’t we alre­a­dy have all the things we need?
Why not give away an expe­ri­encethat you can share with fri­ends and fami­ly?

We dis­cuss both the choice of bir­th­day tales and the indi­vi­du­al orga­ni­sa­ti­on of the cele­bra­ti­on in peace and quiet. The cele­bra­ti­on should be as uni­que as each per­son.

‘We are ali­ve today, but tomor­row life will be a sto­ry.
The who­le world, all human life is one long sto­ry.’

Isaac B. Sin­ger from: The Sto­rytel­ler