Almond Milk Tales
A series of online-events: From the first to the 21st of December enjoy a bedtime story every 2nd evening; online and live, cosy on your own couch or in bed.
Geschichtenadventkalender 4
Lightness and joy: 24 stories for adults, each around 3 minutes long. 12 stories by Edith Eckholt & 12 stories by me. € 24,– plus postage, to be ordered from me or Edith Eckholt.
Augenblick und Ohrenglück
21 fairy tales for adults to read aloud. Foreword by the Canadian storyteller Dan Yashinsky. Illustrations by Almuth Mota. € 24,– plus postage, best to order directly from me.
MärchenFrom the Zingerle brothers‘ collection (1852) plus 2 “immigrant” fairy tales. 25 fairy tales, 12 of which are also for children (but not only). Colour illustrations by Irmingard Jesserik. € 23,– plus postage, also available in bookshops.
Hühnersuppe und Rosenduft
A story about hospitality. A single fairy tale in a picture book for adults and children aged 9 and over. Illustrations by Anna Vidyaykina. € 12,– plus postage, also available in bookshops.
Morgen ist morgen
A fairy tale about cunning and trust. A single fairy tale in a picture book for adults (from approx. 13 years). Illustrations by Anna Vidyaykina. € 12,– plus postage, also available in bookshops.
every JulySeit 1998 veranstalte ich einmal im Jahr selber eine Erzählreihe in Innsbruck. Dabei kann ich besondere Ideen verwirklichen: Gasterzähler*innen und Musiker*innen einladen, in die Gebärdensprache übersetzt werden und mehr…
VideosYou need a fairy tale right away? Here are my videos – both short tales and longer ones, in dialect, in High-German or in English, outdoors or indoors, some with music, some live, some with sign language …
Märchen Überall – der Wollfadenkreis im Internet
Es funktioniert wirklich: Ein Märchenfest im virtuellen Raum. Vielleicht weil Menschen, die gemeinsam Märchen hören, sich immer in eine magische Welt begeben, in ein Land der Fantasie, auf einen Weg […]
My Story
Already at the age of 3, I played telephone and loved to tell stories. To find out more about my narrative style & material, my life, my love for languages,