… inviting me is simple, just call or write.
I live in Tyrol, travel far and wide and tell stories at various places for many different people!Celebrations!
… have become my specialty over the years. I love such festivities because they allow one to pause and take a look at their own life. Folktales tell about turning points in life and are therefore well-suited to these occasions.
Individual storytelling coaching for storytellers from all over the world.
Anytime & Anywhere
… you can enjoy the tales that I have written down in my 6 books, 4 Advent calendars and storybox.
Music gives wings to my words and your imagination! Here are the musicians I particularly enjoy working with …
Almond Milk Tales
A series of online-events: From the first to the 21st of December enjoy a bedtime story every 2nd evening; online and live, cosy on your own couch or in bed.