
Work in pro­gress … we are curr­ent­ly trans­la­ting – here is a 1st draft of this page
Invi­ting me is easy – just call: +43 512 370316 
or wri­te me an email
Some­ti­mes it takes me a litt­le lon­ger to ans­wer emails:
All dates that have alre­a­dy been boo­ked can be seen in my online Calen­dar .


In the living room… in the restau­rant… in the gar­den… in the forest… by the fire… in the edu­ca­tio­nal cen­ter… on the stage… in the hotel… in the bank… in the hay barn… in the tent… in the cour­ty­ard… in the cast­le… in the par­lor… in the libra­ry and much more.
I have been to many places and am loo­king for­ward to many more!
Peo­p­le meet in a room, at a semi­nar, at a fairy tale evening, at a par­ty, around a fire or walk tog­e­ther through the forest … lis­ten and share the magic of the moment.Tog­e­ther we for­get ever­y­thing else and remem­ber the mes­sa­ges of anci­ent fairy tales.


  • for bir­th­days, Christ­mas par­ties, com­pa­ny cele­bra­ti­ons, anni­ver­s­a­ries, reti­re­ment par­ties, as a wel­co­me, as a fare­well … espe­ci­al­ly for guests from dif­fe­rent count­ries peo­p­le who don’t speak Ger­man but under­stand Eng­lish!
  • at all ima­gi­nable cele­bra­ti­ons and fes­ti­vals
  • at semi­nars and con­gres­ses to get you in the mood as a pre­lude, to chan­ge per­spec­ti­ve in the midd­le or as a con­clu­si­on on the last evening
  • at a cul­tu­ral event or in the libra­ry in the vil­la­ge as well as in a big city

For Whom

  • Fri­ends, mothers, lovers, bud­dies, grand­fa­thers, uncles-in-law,
    all kinds of rela­ti­ves and acquain­tances, com­mu­ni­ties, visi­tors, guests…
  • for 3 or 300 peo­p­le 13 years or 101
  • hard-working employees, favo­ri­te cus­to­mers, for bos­ses hun­gry for rela­xa­ti­on
  • as an extra­or­di­na­ry gift for a spe­cial per­son, per­haps even for yours­elf.

I would love to come and take you into the world of fairy tales, solo or per­haps with music!

An Evening with Stories

The “pure sto­rytel­ling evenings” con­sist of two 45-minu­te pro­grams with a break in bet­ween. I tell five to ten fairy tales and sto­rieseach las­ting bet­ween one and 30 minu­tes. If Music is invol­ved, images along with words and sound are com­po­sed and the sto­ries can lin­ger a litt­le bit lon­ger.
I tell sto­ries free­ly and vivid­ly, from mouth to ear to heart.
I gene­rous­ly share my tre­asu­re tro­ve of spe­cial, anci­ent, diver­se fairy tales and tra­di­tio­nal wis­dom sto­ries.
What I tell can cap­ti­va­te, make you laugh, ama­ze and touch you.
The sto­ries come from all over the world and I tra­vel all over the world with them, may­be even to you.

A Celebration

At lon­ger par­ties, I usual­ly talk for about half an hour after the main cour­se, often again after des­sert and some­ti­mes a third time towards the end of the par­ty. 

Financial Matters

Price/fee/money/financials/gold coins/ducats: by per­so­nal appoint­ment.

Tra­vel­ling expen­ses: I almost always tra­vel by train from Inns­bruck.
The dura­ti­on of the jour­ney makes litt­le dif­fe­rence to the fee, I like tra­vel­ling and I tra­vel very often and far.
In the inte­rests of the envi­ron­ment, I only fly when the­re is no other opti­on (to Alge­ria, for exam­p­le).

In the old days, they always gave the best place by the fire to the sto­rytel­lers … 

heard from the Salz­burg sto­rytel­ler Kai