Work in progress … we are currently translating – here is a 1st draft of this page
Inviting me is easy – just call: +43 512 370316
or write me an email
Sometimes it takes me a little longer to answer emails:
All dates that have already been booked can be seen in my online Calendar .
In the living room… in the restaurant… in the garden… in the forest… by the fire… in the educational center… on the stage… in the hotel… in the bank… in the hay barn… in the tent… in the courtyard… in the castle… in the parlor… in the library and much more.
I have been to many places and am looking forward to many more!
People meet in a room, at a seminar, at a fairy tale evening, at a party, around a fire or walk together through the forest … listen and share the magic of the moment.Together we forget everything else and remember the messages of ancient fairy tales.
- for birthdays, Christmas parties, company celebrations, anniversaries, retirement parties, as a welcome, as a farewell … especially for guests from different countries people who don’t speak German but understand English!
- at all imaginable celebrations and festivals
- at seminars and congresses to get you in the mood as a prelude, to change perspective in the middle or as a conclusion on the last evening
- at a cultural event or in the library in the village as well as in a big city
For Whom
- Friends, mothers, lovers, buddies, grandfathers, uncles-in-law,
all kinds of relatives and acquaintances, communities, visitors, guests… - for 3 or 300 people 13 years or 101
- hard-working employees, favorite customers, for bosses hungry for relaxation
- as an extraordinary gift for a special person, perhaps even for yourself.
I would love to come and take you into the world of fairy tales, solo or perhaps with music!
An Evening with Stories
The “pure storytelling evenings” consist of two 45-minute programs with a break in between. I tell five to ten fairy tales and storieseach lasting between one and 30 minutes. If Music is involved, images along with words and sound are composed and the stories can linger a little bit longer.
I tell stories freely and vividly, from mouth to ear to heart.
I generously share my treasure trove of special, ancient, diverse fairy tales and traditional wisdom stories.
What I tell can captivate, make you laugh, amaze and touch you.
The stories come from all over the world and I travel all over the world with them, maybe even to you.
A Celebration
At longer parties, I usually talk for about half an hour after the main course, often again after dessert and sometimes a third time towards the end of the party.

Financial Matters
Price/fee/money/financials/gold coins/ducats: by personal appointment.
Travelling expenses: I almost always travel by train from Innsbruck.
The duration of the journey makes little difference to the fee, I like travelling and I travel very often and far.
In the interests of the environment, I only fly when there is no other option (to Algeria, for example).
In the old days, they always gave the best place by the fire to the storytellers …
heard from the Salzburg storyteller Kai